Cartagena Hills
Caribbean Cuisine
At Cartagena Hills guests are attended to by a talented chef, a housekeeper and a butler. Guests can choose a range of food service including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and bar service.
Adiela, Cartagena Hills’ own Caribbean cuisine chef, specializes in cooking delicious seafood. Typical dishes include barbecued seafood (octopus, squid, prawns, tuna, sea bass), as well as roast beef, pork and lamb.
Adiela prepares delicious squid, ceviche, octopus, shrimp, casseroles and soups. She also, makes Creole specialties with beans, plantain, coconut, and rice.
Food service includes generous portions of fruit, tropical juices, vegetables and salads. We also have a special menu for vegetarians. We offer herbal teas and a special house blend juice made from fresh papaya, pineapple, aloe vera and ginger.
The Full Gourmet Plan provides breakfast, lunch and dinner with a variety of beverages including beer, pop, juices, coffee and tea. This plan includes a bottle of house wine and half liter of whisky, tequila or rum, according to your preference.
Price: US $65 per person per day.
The Family Menu Plan allows you to buy your own groceries. Five supermarkets are less than 10 minutes away and we will shuttle you to the store of your choice.
You can prepare your food in your kitchenette, at the bar or the general kitchen or you can ask Adiela to help prepare your meals. She has a natural talent for creating delicious recipes.
To organize your own picnics we have two barbecues by the pool area, a bar kitchen, and tables with umbrellas and chairs.
Eating out. Another option is to go out for lunch at the beach or have dinner in Cartagena. Arrange for our driver to shuttle you between Cartagena Hills and your culinary destination, day or night.
Four beaches with restaurants are less than 40 minutes away. Have a great lunch at White Beach in Isla Baru, Playa Manzanillo, Bocagrande or Islas del Rosario.
We recommend La Cevicheria restaurant for Mediterranean cuisine, either in Manzanillo beach or the Old City in Cartagena. We also recommend, Italian food from Wipy restaurant[NK1] , and the Negra Mercé bar in the Plaza de Santo Domingo.
We can recommend lots more dependen on what you are looking for.